It hasn't really been hard transitioning into a good student when it comes to out of class work and projects, but it hasn't been that easy either.

So, when I came to college, I knew it would be different. But coming from a school that didn't really have strict deadlines on things, meaning you basically got points for turning it in be it exactly on or before the deadline, or 4 weeks later when you realize your grade needs to be raised up. In high school, being a procrastinator wasn't that big of a deal in my own opinion. I still have a lot of options, and I'm focusing mostly on getting my general education classes out of the way and experiencing as much as possible to narrow my search even further. After I realized my uncertainty would only make me more anxious for my future, I went to the Career Center where I narrowed my search by finding majors and jobs that not only fit who I am, but who I want to be. She picked almost all my classes for me because I simply no longer had any clue what I wanted to take. This year my advisor had to practically drag me through the process of selecting my courses. I even had which courses I would take when planned so that there was no confusion I would graduate on time. I knew exactly what I would be doing in the future and had a plan set up for study abroad.

Last year at advising with my French advisor, I came fully prepared with my whole scheduled planned to a t. Anyone looking at me or talking to me could see the marked difference in how secure I felt about the future.